
Website John Wood Community College

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Job Description

This is a full-time, 12-month, exempt position that reports to the Dean of Career, Technical, 和劳动力教育,位于昆西的劳动力发展中心, Illinois.

该职位为劳动力发展中心(WDC)提供愿景、领导和方向。. Duties include oversight of the facility, credit and non-credit programming, primary contact for Great River Fame Chapter, Workforce and Renewable Energy grants, and supervision of the WDC faculty and staff.


John Wood Community College

beat365平台是伊利诺伊州中西部地区商业和社区之间的教育纽带. JWCC与商界领袖合作创建创新和相关的学术和培训项目,以教育人们和劳动力,以满足当今的需求和未来的机会. JWCC在昆西、皮茨菲尔德、贝利斯和蒙特. Sterling, Illinois. 课程包括全面的学士学位转学课程, customized business training, 职业/技术学位和证书以及个人充实课程.


beat365平台是伊利诺伊州中西部综合性社区学院教育的领导者,并获得高等教育委员会的认可. 该学院成立于1974年,主校区和行政中心位于伊利诺伊州昆西. 主校区于2002年1月开放,占地150英亩,风景优美. 学院设有四个分校:昆西的劳动力发展中心, the Southeast Education Center in Pittsfield, 贝利斯的农业科学教育中心, and the Mt. Sterling Education Center in Mt. Sterling.

John Wood serves an average fall enrollment of 1,900名学生横跨伊利诺斯州西部的9个县. 作为校园和当地社区创新的催化剂, beat365平台专门从事传统教育, workforce training, and professional development. 学院以卓越的核心价值观为基础,致力于学生的成功和卓越的规划, accountability, integrity, servant leadership, and lifelong learning.





John Wood Community College is an open-admission, comprehensive, 一所公立社区学院,旨在通过追求学术卓越来改善其服务对象的生活, integrity, accountability, and flexibility. Recognizing and respecting each person’s uniqueness, potential, and value, the College offers a variety of programs, curricula, 以及教育交付系统和时间表,以适应学生的要求和不同的学习速度. Further, 学院力求激发学生的智力, academic, personal, and social development as productive, engaged, and responsible citizens supporting the community.




– The Higher Learning Commission

– North Central Association

– Illinois Community College Board

– Illinois Board of Higher Education


John Wood Workforce Development Center

学院于2009年在北纬2710开设了劳动力发展中心(WDC). 42nd Street in Quincy. A 14,300 square feet expansion was completed in 2024. Located on 14 acres, 该设施使学院能够满足地区企业和工业的培训需求. The center offers Career, Technical, 劳动力教育项目,包括卡车司机培训, electrical technology, computer-aided design, industrial maintenance, logistics, advanced manufacturing technology, automation & robotics, HVAC, customized training, and welding.  WDC是大河FAME分会高级制造技术员计划的教育中心.


Desired Qualifications

Bachelor’s Degree required.  五(5)年或以上相关业务和行业工作经验.  优秀的倾听、谈判和表达能力. 能够建立和维护部门预算,并与其他学院和社区成员保持良好的工作关系.


Essential Functions

  • 监督员工发展中心(WDC)的设施需求.
  • 作为WDC活动的主要联络人,如参观设施, hosting Makerfest, and other special events.
  • 大江名章管理处的职责如下:
    • Assist chapter members with recruitment of students.
    • Schedule courses for Fall, Spring and Summer.
    • FAME学生导航员职责,确保环绕服务.
  • 管理能源部(IAC)的拨款,并协助其他劳动力相关的拨款实施和报告.
  • 为珀金斯奖助金管理人员提供投入和计划性协助.
  • 与商业和行业外展协调员协调,确定劳动力和其他非学分定制培训项目.
  • Development of Non-credit to Credit pathways.
  • 协助院长和教职员安排秋季、春季和夏季的学术安排.
  • Support dual credit programming for the WDC programs.
  • JWCC移动教育实验室的调度和使用.
  • 与就业服务中心协调,安排MSSC测试.
  • 对劳动力发展中心的教职员工进行监督.
  • 根据候选人的证书,每个秋季和春季学期可以教授多达8个学期的负荷小时,在夏季的劳动力课程中可以教授多达4个学期的负荷小时.


Work Schedule

正常的工作时间是星期一至星期四上午8时至下午5时,星期五上午8时至下午12时.  一些晚上将需要支持学生和教师在夜校.  一些周末将需要支持特殊活动.  Some travel required.


Work Calendar

12 Months



Commensurate with the College’s pay scale



JWCC offers a competitive benefits package, which includes health, dental, vision, and prescription drug insurance, vacation, sick days, personal days, paid holidays, 员工和受抚养家庭成员的学费减免, and State University Retirement System.


We are an equal opportunity employer.  所有符合条件的申请人都将被考虑雇用,而不考虑种族, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, age, marital status, disability, status as a protected veteran, or any legally protected status.  如果你是一个残疾人,需要帮助申请工作, please submit a request to hr@preservationproductions.com.

How to Apply

To receive full consideration, submit a resume with a cover letter, a list of three (3) references, and copies of transcripts by visiting http://jwcc.aaimtrack.com/jobs/. 职位开放,直到2024年5月28日开始审查申请.